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Wednesday, July 22, 2015

How to Get Rid of Mosquito Bites All Over My Legs | How to Get Rid of Mosquito Bites All Over My Legs - It's the female mosquito that is responsible for those red bumps that have shown up on your legs. Approximately 24 hour before the red bumps appeared on your legs, female mosquitoes were feasting on your blood. While sucking your blood, the mosquito deposits saliva into your skin. Your body's immune system responds to the foreign protein, resulting in itchiness, swelling and burning. You're left with small, red bumps all over your legs. Remedies to combat the bites include the use of products you may already have right at home.

Things You'll Need
1. Soap
2. Ice pack
3. Calamine lotion
4. Baking soda
5. Water
6. Oral antihistamine
7. Aloe vera gel


1. Wash your legs with a mild soap and warm water.
Place an ice pack on the mosquito bites. Ice is soothing and relieves any swelling. Wet a washcloth with cold water if you don't have an ice pack or use cold soda cans or frozen packaged foods.

2. Apply calamine lotion to the mosquito bites on your legs.
Calamine lotion relieves itchiness and burning as the bites heal. Hydrocortisone cream is also a good choice.

3. Make a thick paste of approximately 2 tbsp. baking soda and 2 tbsp. water and spread this over the mosquito bites on your legs.
The paste has a similar, yet shorter-lasting, effect as calamine lotion. Use more baking soda and water depending on the size of the affected area.

4. Take an oral antihistamine containing diphenhydramine.
An oral antihistamine reduces harsher side effects from mosquito bites including pain, fever, itching and redness.

5. Apply aloe vera gel to the mosquito bites.
Aloe vera is all natural, soothes the area and reduces itching and swelling.

6. Wait it out.
Your mosquito bumps will go away within a week. The bumps disappear first and two to three days later, the itchiness ends.

Tips & Warnings
  • Consult your doctor if the mosquito bites result in an allergic reaction or if you experience headaches, fever, body aches, vomiting and nausea.
  • Avoid scratching mosquito bites. If the skin tears, it may result in an infection.
  • Stay away from humid areas near water because this is where the senses of mosquitoes are stronger and more alert than normal.
  • Wear mosquito repellent on your skin to avoid getting bitten. Read the packaging label since some not all repellents combat mosquitoes.
  • Avoid spraying perfume on your skin because the scent may attract mosquitoes.

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